Promote your event with our mascot

Pete loves treasure so much he is always looking for an invite to an event!  What can he do for you?

  • A 6’5″ Parrot seems to draw peoples attention!  Everyone loves a mascot because they are like a life size cartoon.
  • He can meet your guests, hand out maps or flyers, take pictures with your guests, get attention at the street and more!
  • Use any photos\videos of your event with Pete for any after event newsletters or promotions

What do we charge?

$100 for two (2) hours.  Which includes a visit by Pete, a featured* post to our website & Facebook page and a blog article that week you can use to share with your customers.

Contact us today to setup a visit!

*Your post will be on our home page until the day after the show!

Additional Services We Provide

  • Join the Crew